Emergency Responder Communication Enhancement Systems
In-Building Emergency Responder Communication Enhancement Systems (ERCES):
Following the tragedy of 9/11, the International Fire Code and the National Fire Protection Association developed requirements to remedy the shortfall of First Responders radio coverage within buildings. Since 2009, the International Fire Code has required in-building Emergency Responder Communication Enhancement Systems for all new construction, this was subsequently revised to include existing buildings unless waived by a fire official. The National Fire Protection Association has also updated its requirements to include ERCES.
What is ERCES and Why is it a Must-Have Infrastructure for Senior Living Facilities?

Emergency Responder Communication Enhancement Systems in buildings is life safety issue. When first responders are dispatched to your facility, they require dependable radio coverage. In-building radio coverage plays a critical role in case of an emergency by ensuring that emergency responders’ radios work everywhere inside the building.
Recent changes to the fire code make testing and good First Responder radio service the responsibility of the building owner or manager and in most cases compliance is mandatory. Part of that compliance is obtaining test results from a certified vendor. If those testing results fall short of standards, signal amplification equipment must be installed and certified. These certifications need to be completed on a regular basis. (Usually yearly depending on the jurisdiction). New structural additions or new buildings may trigger immediate compliance with the Emergency Responder Communication Enhancement Systems code and will prevent the building from getting a Certificate of Occupancy.
Remedying this problem is a complex undertaking. The solution requires skilled technicians, measuring equipment, coordination with local fire and emergency officials, fire alarm companies, and requires an FCC license.
Emergency Responder Communication Enhancement Systems for New Construction of Senior Living Facilities
- Install ERCES at the time of construction
- Install the wires and cables during construction and then test the signal strength, adding boosters and other components as needed to become compliant
- Install the entire radio system after the building is built

ERCESs for Existing Senior Living Facilities
As the fire code has been updated, existing senior living facilities are finding themselves subject to ERCES requirements. Requirements for Emergency Responder Communication Enhancement Systems in existing buildings vary from one municipality to the next. Even if not mandated in your area, renovations may trigger the requirement for ERCES.
HealthSignals is uniquely prepared to solve this problem. We understand the fire code, we coordinate with the local fire and emergency officials to do the testing and certification required for you. We have the skilled technicians, the measuring equipment, and testing procedures to satisfy your local officials.
We provide leading-edge design, amplification equipment, and installation of that equipment. We will get you into compliance and help keep your residents and staff safe.
Contact us today to discuss Emergency Responder Communication Enhancement Systems in your building.
Download Whitepaper:
Senior Living Facilities Must-Have Infrastructures: In-Building Emergency Responder Communication Enhancement Systems
This whitepaper will dive into everything you need to know about the radio coverage that is needed to not only keep up to code, but also to ensure the safety of all your residents and staff!